This idea is partially mine, partially the idea of my friend, Kate, and partially the idea of Matel and Command strips. When my kids were over at Kate's house, I noticed a wall mounted car track and immediately asked her a thousand questions about it! What an awesome idea!
As I thought back to our house, I remembered all the toys and puzzles and cars scattered all over our floor a la Home Alone...just waiting to be stepped on.
When I remembered how much my kiddo loved the latch board puzzle from Melissa & Doug and how little I pulled it out of the closet because it was so bulky and inevitably fell off the couch and squashed someone, it occurred to me that I could screw it into the wall! And when I talked to my husband about permanently attaching puzzles to the wall, he was a little apprehensive...and then I remembered the velcro command strips!
It was the perfect solution! I'm so happy with the way this turned out. My kids have been happily distracted with these new additions.
I even added a regular Melissa & Doug truck puzzle to the wall. I used velcro coins to attach each puzzle piece to the board so they pull off and go back on. It's awesome!
I have plans to attach a cookie sheet as a magnet board to our hallway wall too, but haven't done it yet.
I contemplated a chalk board, but was advised by a friend that the chalk powder would get all up in the carpet. (Although I did buy a board to seal and paint with chalkboard paint to add to our backyard!)
What are some other things I could slap up on the wall!? Give me your best ideas!!!