If I could build you a gift basket for your new life with a budget-less amount of money, here's what I would include:
1. Colic Calm--it's a very handy product that just so happens to turn your kid's poop black. Black!? Yes, the homeopathic product uses carbo vegetabilis (vegetable charcoal) to sooth baby. It's awesome for helping with reflux, gas, and hiccups. The down side is it costs about $20--but when your in desperate need of relief, it's a small price to pay!

2. Several small teething toys and rattles. I've found these are my favorite toys because Sam loves them at home and it's very easy to travel with several thrown into the diaper bag!
3. Sam hasn't cut any teeth yet, but we've really enjoyed these Razbaby Raz-Berry silicone teethers. He also looks hilarious sucking/chewing on these!
4. Burp clothes. An abundance of burp cloths. Lots and lots of burp clothes.
5. A 6 month subscription to Netflix, because some of us don't love reading books and when babies are little, they mostly just get held and if you don't have something to do, it can get boring!
There are tons more things I'd love to give you in your imaginary gift basket, but I've already busted my baby shower budget with these! What else do you think you would add to the basket?
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