Sunday, March 31, 2013

40 Days without Facebook

I'm not sure if you're suppose to fast from something for Lent if you're not Catholic.  I'm a protestant, but decided I wanted to give up something.  Not just any something.  I wanted to give up Facebook--for forty days.

The Facebook Fast: What I Learned

1. Think twice before composing a new status update.  It's not necessary for all of my cyber world to know every semi-funny thought I have or answer every parenting question.  I found that using an internet search engine or asking a real-life friend is still pretty effective--go figure!

2. "Stalking" someone on Facebook is a lazy way to be friends with him or her.  Calling, texting, and hanging out take more work, but the pay off is much greater.

3.  I really miss seeing pictures of my loved ones on a regular basis.  While 40 days is clearly not an eternity, kids change a lot in a short time.  I'm looking forward to catching up on what I missed.

4.  Facebook is a really good way to keep myself broadly informed.  Weddings, funerals, and pregnancies are all commonly announced online and it's easy to miss out on news with out it.

5.  Two weeks into the fast I thought about not reactivating my account, but as the fast comes to a close, I am eager to sign back on and catch up on everything I missed.  I just hope I won't too quickly forget the value of building relationships in real life! 

Have you ever taken a break from social media?  What did you learn?  Do you think you ever could take a break from it?

And if you're a friend who reads this blog from a link from Facebook, here are the posts you missed while I was away:

picky eaters --a post that includes my celebrity woman-crush

Our 'Ready to Pop' baby shower for under $100 --a budget friendly 'how-to'

Walking where God leads  --what kids teach us about God

5 things to help new moms --all babies cry

Dear Pinterest Perusing Mama --don't let crafts get you down, Mama

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Dear Pinterest Perusing Mama

Dear Pinterest Perusing Mama,
Funny Confession Ecard: Pinterest makes me feel lazy, unimaginative, a poor excuse for a mother and a wife. So much so I must act on it .... and take a nap!
Do you sometimes get down on yourself?  You scan your Pinterest page and see all the amazing crafts other moms are doing.  Wow, those moms are like superheroes.  They must be the best, most fun moms EVER.

Do you feel the need to strive to be like them?  Maybe these ecards will help sum up some of what you're feeling?  It can be discouraging, right?

Well, Pinterest Perusing Mama, I'm here to tell you it's ok.  Lots of mamas are trying to figure out motherhood and trying to be the best moms they can be for their kids.  And they're not superheros.

There's always going to be a mama who's more gifted in a certain area than you, but that's ok.  You're more gifted than her in a different area.    Pinterest Perusing Mama, if you're not a professional with a jar of Mod Podge, that's ok.  Mod Podge and mason jars are not the things that make you a good mom.

Funny Confession Ecard: Everyone's trying new recipes from Pinterest. And... I'm here saying... 'Honey, the microwave beeped. Dinner's ready!!'Cooking a gluten-free, paleo, low cal, delicious tasting, three course meal with a flour-less, chocolate dessert, and fresh squeezed lemonade is not the things your children will remember from their childhood.

Pinterest Perusing Mama, your kids don't even know that other moms spend their time meticulously blogging about the awesome activities they're doing with their children.

All your babies want (no matter how old they are) is YOU.
Funny Family Ecard: Go play now honey, it's time for mommy to pin ideas Pinterest about how I can be a better mom, later.
There are some special personality types that do have the energy and choose to spend their time trying to do it all.  But I want to let you know, that is NOT the norm (at least I don't think it is!)

Pinterest Perusing Mama, ENJOY Pinterest.  This post is not meant to try and talk you out of a fun activity, however, it is meant to encourage us to put things back in perspective if they have gotten a little out of control.  I also want to make sure, Mama, that you're not putting undue pressure on yourself to be an unattainable superhero.  Superheros are (awesome, but) fictional.  Not real.

I love you, Pinterest Perusing Mama, because in the end you just want to be the best mom you can be, so keep it up.  But let's both keep it in perspective, too!


Thursday, March 14, 2013

5 things to help new moms

Isn't there a huge learning curve for new mommies!?
Here are 5 things I wish I had understood better during those first few tough months.

  1. All babies cry. 
    When you're hesitant about bringing your baby out in public for fear of a melt down, just remember, "The baby on the bus goes wah, wah, wah."  Sometimes I think about that song to console myself.  The baby doesn't go "zzz zzz zzz," or "giggle, giggle, giggle," the baby cries.  
  2. Parenting styles differ like crazy!
    I never even knew about phrases like "attachment parenting" or "parent led sleep."  I was not prepared for the strong opinions people have about their differing styles.  Your decisions are (probably) not wrong, they just might be different than the next mom.
  3. Nursing is often really hard.
    Not only can the logistics of nursing be tricky, but it also takes time and emotional commitment.  I struggled a lot with knowing when to feed my son, when to schedule my son, when to not schedule him, and when to tell other people to back off because he was my son!
  4. Mommy-recovery needs to be a priority.
    Don't neglect your healing body because you feel guilty for spending time on yourself.  You need to keep any wounds or stitches clean, you need to take showers, and you need to eat.  Happy mamas eat.
  5. Sleep is really important.
    Moms feel this pull to be everything for their baby.  They need to rush to their baby's aide at the first peep.  They need to let their baby stay latched on all night so their baby can sleep (while they lay there awake.)  Moms need sleep.  Your brain functions poorly with out it, you're patience gets shot, you're less productive, and you become weak with out sleep.  Find strategies that help you get more of it!  I suggest pacis, daddies, and putting the baby in his own bed. (Also the suggestions that are in the DVD in this post.)